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California Injured Workers Rights

Unexpected accidents often occur in the workplace that result in employees being injured. Although these incidents are unfortunate, workers have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim in these cases. A workers’ compensation claim is a claim for medical payments due to an on-the-job injury and monetary compensation for any permanent injuries or disability. If an employer is held responsible for causing the accident then they could potentially be liable for further damages.

Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Can Help

If you have experienced a work-related injury you have the right to claim workers’ compensation. Seeking legal advice form an experienced workers’ comp attorney will help to ensure that your claim is handled with utmost care. Our work injury lawyers have represented many injured workers throughout California. We can handle all aspects of your claim for you so that you can focus on recovering from your injury.

Know Your Rights

As an employee you have the right to work in an environment that is safe and does not cause you injury or harm. Unfortunately employers often fail to adhere to all the necessary safety requirements and guidelines that are set by law for the protection of employees and others who must work in the surroundings. When safety standards are not met, the health and livelihood of workers are at risk. If you think that your employer is not keeping a safe and healthy work environment or is violating safety restrictions then you have the right to file a complaint and request an inspection of your workplace.

How to file a complaint for unsafe workplace conditions

Employees can file a complaint by contacting the local office of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health. They will not reveal your name unless you ask them to. You can also notify the Cal/OSHA investigator who inspects your workplace of the unsafe conditions. They will not reveal your name if you make a statement during the inspection. If your employer is violating safety standards according to Cal/OSHA regulations then you have the right to refuse to work if the conditions pose a danger to your health and well-being.

Retaliation for Speaking Up is Not Acceptable by Law

By law, your employer cannot fire you for making a complaint about poor safety standards or for exercising any other right that you have regarding workplace conditions. They are not allowed to retaliate against you for reporting the unsafe conditions by either firing you or discriminating against you in any other way. If you feel that your employer has fired or discriminated against you then speak to a qualified employment law attorney.

You Are Entitled to a Safe Workplace

Employers have a duty to all employees to provide a safe workplace. This does not mean that an employer must eliminate the possibility of any and all accidents, but rather to maintain a safe work environment. This includes providing proper equipment, safety gear and training. Failure to do so is, in and of itself, not a violation of the law. If this failure results in a threat to employees or causes and employee to be injured, the employee might have a legal cause of action against the employer.

If you have been injured at work, seek legal advice from our experienced California workers’ compensation attorney will review the facts of your case and discuss with you your options and potential to recover compensation for your injuries.

Contact California Work Injury Attorneys Today!

If you have been seriously injured in a California work accident, it’s time to seek help from a top California injured worker attorney. Right after an injury occurs, it is a stressful time since your future health may be at risk. There are many unknowns. Doctors have to be consulted. Medical bills need to be paid. We will help lift the emotional burden by managing the details of your claim so the physical healing can begin. Call for a confidential talk with an experienced and caring injured workers attorney who can give you sound advice on how to pursue your injury claim.

As your California injured worker lawyer, we provide free telephone, home or hospital consultations. We provide evening and weekend appointments. We have successfully handled and resolved thousands of cases throughout California. Consultations are free and you only pay us if you win your case. Call us to find out how we can help you.

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